With the shakeup of life and, what feels like for the first time in forever, the girls are on holiday. I had to do some investigating as to what I could do with them as we have already had two holidays cancelled due to the pandemic and I have felt tired and uninspired. After my pity party, I got investigating and wrote up a list of things for us to do. I hope you find inspiration for your bucket list of things to do with kids in Gauteng. This list was created with us not being able to travel outside our province of Gauteng.

Our worlds changed overnight! Okay, we were given a few days notice when we were told that we were heading for a lockdown. Now we're about to send the children back to school, or not, and it all feels a little scary and surreal.
Backtrack: When The World Stopped
Set the scene: March 2020. Suddenly the world had to operate differently. Countries were closed. Teachers were suddenly plunged into trying to teach their children (their own and of course their pupils) from home. Parents had to teach their children and juggle work. This was no holiday. The stress of all this AND the possibility of not having an income afterwards was and still is very much a reality.
Reluctant schooling from home parents, who had no choice in the situation, trying to deal with it all.

I had it all planned. I didn’t want to get married for the wedding dress or the walking down the aisle part. That part always frightened me I didn’t want everyone staring at me. I wanted the wedding part because a honeymoon meant getting onto a plane and seeing the world. Love and travel go hand in hand for me, and what better way to see the world than with the one you love. #Cheesy