Health & Wellness

Sayings that I try live my life by:
Be the change you want to see in the world. Be kind always.
I was nominated by Carly who blogs over at Mom Of Two Little Girls to do a Random Act of Kindness. Don't worry, I don’t just stalk her, she does know who I am. Promise!
Upon receiving my nomination, I went through the different emotions of me:
- Elation and Excitement (it's the same but I was that happy)
- Amazement (I was picked)
- Doubt and questioning (mmmh was this her Random Act of Kindness ... why me?)
- Over-analysing (what will I do?)
- Procrastination.
Yes, it is exhausting being me.

We are only in February and I am already experiencing huge anxiety because I feel like I have failed my child, and I think grade one is going to break me. My anxiety about this is making me a bit of a hot mess, as in sweaty.
Grade One and homework, who would have thought that you would cause me more anxiety than Jacob Zuma?
Grade One was so different when I started school, now the pressure is on. Everyone warned me. I thought I was prepared. It turns out, I wasn't. Nothing can possibly prepare you for Grade One.

What does it mean to be a mom with ADHD?
I was only diagnosed with ADHD this year, 2017. Whilst it was a bit of a surprise to me, apparently not so much to the people close to me who it came as no surprise to!Why did I decide to tackle this now?

What's in a name?
Whilst one might think of Gin & Tonic when hearing the name of my blog, and whilst you won’t be wrong, you won’t be right either.
Whilst I do like the occasional Gin & Tonic sundowner, alas that is not the “tonic” I am referring to in the name of my blog – Tonic & Tiaras.

Something you may or may not know about me. I had surgery in my abdomen which has resulted in me spending A LOT of time on the loo.
Depending where you are in life the topic of poop is a yay or nay when chatting with friends. If you have children a whole afternoon could be spent discussing poop. Nothing is off limits to moms when discussing their children's poop; the smell, texture and of course the colour.
However, the poop conversation becomes more of a taboo subject between young lovers because nobody poops and that could spoil the image you have of your hunky or sexy partner.

Why Kale? I love cooking and trying new foods, sometimes to the detriment of my family and friends. I think my palette is different and it does not like to be bored. My palette is its own entity controlled by weird and wonderful tastes and emotions. One could say my palette is an acquired taste. I have decided that, besides my fascination with all things trending in food, my palette is making me a bit of a foodie outcast.
On advice I am going to start with the basics again instead of going straight to making kimchi. Firstly, because not a lot is known about this superfood and then to top it off I do not have many taste testers knocking down my door. So maybe I need to start with more basic South African ingredients and experience that first. I do find myself drawing the line at “walkie talkies” I know what they are but have no desire to cross that road.

I had to ask her.
Is it possible, and if so how do you survive winter on the side of a sports field?Fear not moms, supportive girlfriends, fiancé’s, wives and even husbands and dads. I am here to help you! It’s not very complicated and I do like to help. How can I, a mere newbie to the “supportive” scene help?

Reunions or Traditions
It’s a lovely game to get a piece of my mom’s life and I think I value it more so. I have a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old. At the same age, my mom had an 18-year-old and a 12-year-old. So different, here I am starting school life with Miss K and my mom’s oldest child (that’s me) was leaving on a jet plane to the USA. I challenge you to ask someone older and who you are close with where they were in life at your current age?