Fun Family Life

This past Friday my family and I were gifted tickets to Marvel Universe Live. Marvel and Disney feature strongly in our house and so the girls really were beyond excited for the show.
The show started at 8 pm and both my girls had been threatened with “no show” the whole week if they didn’t behave. With that said, they really didn’t know what to expect.
Since we went to the show, I have chatted to a few people this past weekend who were all interested to find out my honest review. I thought I would share it on here. That way I can give you all a heads up without giving away any spoilers, so you know what to expect.

I spent two weeks in Umhlanga with my family last August and whilst we did manage to tick off a number of awesome things on our Durban Bucket-list, there is so much more I want to do on our next trip. This is a list of some of the best things to do in Durban with kids! I hope the snot-flickers and I manage to get to some of those we missed on our next visit. Take a look at our list, and please do let me know if we missed anything?

Children's theatre is my absolute best and who doesn't love Dr Seuss? Don't answer, I just couldn't bare the thought of a world where people do not like Dr Seuss. Well, at least I don't have to think about that because Seussical Jr the musical is coming to the Joburg Peoples Theatre!
Seussical JR. The Musical
Seussical Jr the musical runs through the school holidays, with the final performance on Sunday, 28th April 2019. The best part about it is that the fun and entertainment is for young and old. Miss T was a few months old when we took her and Miss K to watch a show at the Peoples Theatre in the Johannesburg theatre complex. Seriously, all ages are welcomed, even babies.
It's brilliant. You don't need to stress out if the kids are not quiet as the interaction with the children and the actors is the right amount. I find it just the right volume and noise level too for Miss K who can get overwhelmed by too much noise. See ... everyone's a winner.

Halloween. The day moms can really dig deep and dress like the “witches” they are.
I myself prefer the more demure Stepford wife, or as it's more loving referred to now, a “Pinterest” mom. After all, is Halloween about real life or is it just a fantasy? No escape from reality? Is this what Freddie Mercury was on about?

My introduction to Thomas the Tank Engine began many, many years ago when I was an au-pair in London. I looked after boys and one of their favourite shows was you guessed it, "Thomas the Tank Engine."
They had the toys and the accessories, and it kept them on track (I couldn't resist). I knew that one day, when I became a mom of boys, that Thomas and Friends would be one of our go-to toys.
Fast-forward life. Things had not gone according to plan. I am now the mom of two little girls, not boys.
That isn’t to say that they didn’t enjoy their outing. Mommy, and Thomas delivered. We were invited to the South African Premier of the latest Thomas the Tank Engine movie, Thomas and Friends – Big World! Big Adventures!

Last night, we watched the kick off to the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2018 held in Russia. Robbie Williams sang and for me, it will already be one of my favourite World Cups thus far. Now as an avid all round watcher of any big sporting event I realise that some partners may not have my enthusiasm - even though I have no clue on a good day. I thought it was best to write up a useful guide on ...
"How to Survive The Soccer World Cup 2018"
Saudi Arabia and Russia met on the field for the opening game. Russian scored 5 goals and I went to bed with the knowledge that Putin would be a very happy President. My prediction would be that there will be no oil deals in the near future with these two countries. I guess it brings in surviving into a whole new context.
As we head into the next few weeks soccer fever will escalate. Potentially so will most wives tempers. I approached 2 friends whose husbands are quite the avid soccer watchers.

Today is one more sleep and then it is school holidays.
Am I scared?
A little… and that is a rookie thing to be. Scared that is, not a rookie at parenting.
The First Rule Of Parenting
The first rule of parenting, or taking care of the children, is that those snot-flickers can smell fear. It's part of their DNA, so we can't really blame them. It's mother nature's fault.
Back to first rule: Do not ever tell your children that it is a special day and that they must behave. Something ticks over in the brain and then there it is. The glazed look and twinkle in their eye … CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
"I will do everything opposite to what my lovely parent has asked of me"
Said in an evil whisper.