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Yearly Archives: 2017

Is there life after “mommy”? No really is there?!

Is there life after “mommy”? Well, It actually really boils down to who is asking the question.

If young teenagers or girls in their twenties are asking, well then the answer is a simple “NO”! No there is no life; they suck all that is nice out of your persona. Zombies are friendlier. Run young one, run! My advice – go out, get your heart broken, make friends that you are able to be crazy and scary with. Friends you can just have fun with. Have fun. Establish who you are and what is important in your life. You are allowed to be selfishly indulgent at this stage in your life. Find you.

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Mother’s Day: A day to be recognised for ‘our’ awesomeness

Mother ‘verbto bring up a child with care and affection. Mother’s Day ‘noun’ celebrated on the second Sunday in May. A day in which motherhood and the influences of mothers in society and families are celebrated. A day to celebrate with cards, flowers and gifts. Mother’s DayT&T’ a day everyone lets mom know how much she is loved and appreciated, as she gathers her snot flickers to get in the car or starts prepping for lunch. She may have had breakfast in bed but needs to go clean the kitchen up.

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Tonic & Tiaras

Reunions, Memories, Traditions, and more Reunions

My mom started a tradition with my brother and me. What's this got to do with reunions? Bear with me.  When we hit a big milestone like birthdays or when we look at my kids (in that ah you’re so sweet quietly picking your nose over there way) we play a special “where were you at my age mom” game?

Reunions or Traditions

It’s a lovely game to get a piece of my mom’s life and I think I value it more so. I have a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old. At the same age, my mom had an 18-year-old and a 12-year-old. So different, here I am starting school life with Miss K and my mom’s oldest child (that’s me) was leaving on a jet plane to the USA. I challenge you to ask someone older and who you are close with where they were in life at your current age?

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Easter: How I always want to celebrate.

After celebrating Shrove Tuesday, Lent sets in and everyone around me shows such amazing will power and here I am just trying to give up on shouting and possibly being able to tame my fringe once and for all. Easter will soon be here.

The next thing we look forward to is Easter. Religious or not, Easter is celebrated whether going to Church or an Easter Brunch with family but it is guaranteed there will always be the obligatory Easter egg hunt.

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Tonic and Tiaras

Rest-a-rant 🍝: eating out with kids

My first memory of eating out with kids is with Miss K - she was about 9 months old, well around that age. It was the crawling stage, not quite walking but definitely not sitting. Miss K being the firstborn, I was still so naive.

One Saturday morning we decided

We woke up one Saturday morning with a twinkle in our eyes and the hubster suggested we go to our local coffee shop for a breakfast.  Thinking it was a fabulous idea, I imagined us sitting at the table chatting and laughing while sipping elegantly on our Americano’s with not a drop of food on my top.

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Getting older. Why I don’t like celebrating my birthday1

When it comes to celebrating getting older, I try not to tempt the Birthday Gods. wCelebrating the day that I was dropped by the stork into my loving moms arms. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it; I have a 2.9-year-old and a 5.2-year-old.

Oh how every year these Birthday Gods find me and put me to some sort of test. Whilst this may sound dramatic please bear in mind that this is my birthday after all and I can whine and cry if I want to and I am closer to 40 than I have ever wanted to be.

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Gifts & party favours – thanks for being present

I survived the party weekend. Minimal drama and tantrums and that was just from my husband. Go me! As the first party ended a few kids went up to the party mom and asked where their party packs were. This mom has taken a stand and is starting a trend of no party packs. Her reasoning is sound - there are sweeties, cake, food and fun - right. I then went to another party where there were limited amounts of sweets and drinks available during the party but we went home with a party pack that was full of sweeties. The idea – send them home to get a sugar high and no screaming kids at her house. Well played mom, well played. So the party pack conundrum begins… to party pack or not to party pack… that is the question…

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small talk at birthday parties

The Art of Small Talk At Birthday Parties

There are many mixed rainbow emotions when it comes to children's parties. I love the copious amount of sugar. I do not admit this to my daughter who you would think I deprive of all things sucrose related. She is that child with her head in a cupcake grasping on jelly tots and flings. Thinking perhaps I had deprived her I tried a different approach with child number 2 and guess what she too behaves as if she has been deprived of sugar.

There are many mixed rainbow emotions when it comes to children's parties. I love the copious amount of sugar.

I do not admit this to my daughter who you would think I deprive of all things sucrose related. She is that child with her head in a cupcake grasping on jelly tots and flings. Thinking perhaps I had deprived her I tried a different approach with child number 2 and guess what she too behaves as if she has been deprived of sugar.

Emotions range from happy due to the sugar and adult company being present, to being nervous about what happens if I eat too much sugar and scare the adult company by either being super talkative or nursing a sugar low. And if there are adults, what do I say to sound like I am an in-control mother who has a clue, even if it is slightly skewered and covered in chaos?

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