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Interesting things

Interesting things

exploring education - international baccalaureate

Explore Education | International Baccalaureate Education System

As part of my Explore Education series, where I ask parents about the different types of education paths they have chosen for their children. I investigate the what, why, how and question them about their honest opinions about the system of education their children are currently experiencing. This week I am talking to Reinet whose children are in the International Baccalaureate education system, or IB for short.

Reinet has actually been one of my blogging cheerleaders always sharing and supporting me. Since her and her family have moved I have loved hearing about their adventures and how different life is overseas than here in South Africa.

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Views of an Educator and Private School Parent

Explore Education | Views of an Educator and Private School Parent

When I started on "my educational journey" - I say mine as my girls will have their time and place to tell you their story. For now this is from my perspective. It was during this time that Michelle and I discussed education in various forms and directions. I began to question things like, what value did I feel I was getting from the current institute, and also questioning what was good for my girls? Times are tough and when a massive chunk of your money is going to educating your kids, you do start questioning your decisions and making some tough choices. Michelle is both an educator and a private school parent.

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Explore Education Series. International and Private Schooling

Explore Education | International & Private School

Welcome back to my Explore Education series. It's time to investigate and ask the questions of a parent who is currently putting their children through private school education.

As a reminder of what this series is all about, well with my Grade One year being a bit topsy turvey and a little dramatic I decided to explore what Education meant to me and my family. The format of this series is to ask a set of questions and get the conversation going about what works for you or doesn't. The aim is that perhaps you can help someone or someone can help you to make the best decisions for your child's education journey through their experiences.

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LIsteriosis South Africa

The Listeriosis Outbreak | What Have Enterprise Done?

In 2018 a listeriosis outbreak hit South Africa. It was the worst food-related outbreak ever in this country, and it was the worst Listeriosis outbreak in the world. The cause of the outbreak was linked to Enterprise, a well-known South African brand owned by Tiger Brands.

In an effort to help consumers and the public to understand what happened and also to attempt to repair the damage to consumer trust in the brand, Enterprise invited myself and a handful of other bloggers to a candid round table discussion. This is the start of a series of discussions planned that Enterprise is spearheading. It is aimed at understanding what happened and the way forward.

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Seussical JR. at the Joburg Peoples Theatre

Children's theatre is my absolute best and who doesn't love Dr Seuss? Don't answer, I just couldn't bare the thought of a world where people do not like Dr Seuss. Well, at least I don't have to think about that because Seussical Jr the musical is coming to the Joburg Peoples Theatre!

Seussical JR. The Musical

Seussical Jr the musical runs through the school holidays, with the final performance on Sunday, 28th April 2019. The best part about it is that the fun and entertainment is for young and old. Miss T was a few months old when we took her and Miss K to watch a show at the Peoples Theatre in the Johannesburg theatre complex. Seriously, all ages are welcomed, even babies.

It's brilliant. You don't need to stress out if the kids are not quiet as the interaction with the children and the actors is the right amount. I find it just the right volume and noise level too for Miss K who can get overwhelmed by too much noise. See ... everyone's a winner.

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